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    Online Education is dedicated to physics, science, space and technology news. Latest research breakthroughs and innovations, science advances and scientific discussion forum. We continuously update our contents to provide worked physics problems and examples, organized by topic to provide free physics related homework help to students.

For students to develop the abilities that characterize science as inquiry, they must actively participate in scientific investigations, and they must actually use the cognitive and manipulative skills associated with the formulation of scientific explanations. We hope worked physics problems we provide in our site will help to easily understand the basic concepts of solving physics problems. Also we have created dynamic physics tools, which help you to find the answerer for many physics related problems.

LivePhysics.Com offers a complete working tool for science teaching and learning.

LivePhysics.Com is all at once:
A huge collection of online resources for students and teachers
We offer to science teachers and students a large collection of interactive Flash™ animations, Flash™ dynamic tools to solve problems, Java applet animations, interactive JavaScripts/ Ajax tools.

A working tool for students
Each animation comes together with scientific background behind the animation and guidelines allowing the students to review the key functionality illustrated by the animation.

Latest Physics News



The Sound of Earthsong
A NASA spacecraft has recorded eerie-sounding radio emissio coming from our own planet. These beautiful "songs of Earth" could, ironically, be respoible for the proliferation of deadly electro in...

Rare Type 1a Supernova Progenitor System Observed
The multi-ititutional Palomar Traient Factory (PTF) team has released the fit-ever direct observatio of a Type 1a supernova progenitor system. Astronome have collected evidence indicating tha...

Dark Matter
We take a look at mysterious dark matter - and a chocolate pie.77yXhAibQp4

Astronome have a symbol for 1,000,000,000 yea - that's a billion yea.1_0cw6OrBeY

2012 Perseid Meteor Shower
The Peeid meteor shower is underway. There's more to see than meteo, however, when the shower peaks on August 11th through 13th. The brightest planets in the solar system are lining up in the midd...

Classical Mechanics

Projectile Motion – Fired at ground level
A football is kicked with an initial velocity of 25 m/s at an angle of 45-degrees with the horizontal. Determine the time of flight, the horizontal displacement, and the peak height of the football .....

Projectile Motion – Pool ball leaves the table with initial horizontal velocity
A pool ball leaves a 0.20-meter high table with an initial horizontal velocity of 2.4 m/s. Predict the time required for the pool ball to fall to the ground and the horizontal distance between the tab...

Force on a batted ball – Impulse
A baseball (m = 0.14 kg) thrown by a pitcher reaches a bat with a velocity of 32.0 m/s in a horizontal direction. a) Computer the impulse that must be applied to the ball if it is to leave the...

Average impact force between and airliner and a bird
Estimate the average impact force between an airliner traveling at 260 m/s and with a 0.3 kg bird whose length is 20 cm?The change in velocity of the bird is estimated to be 260 m/s Thes...

Find Earth angular momentum
Find Earth angular momentum using Earth-Sun distance and mass of Earth? Earth - Sun distance 149.6x109 m Mass of the Earth 5.9742x1024 kgEarth angular momentumFor an orbit, angular momen...

Find speed of a satellite placed at geostationary orbit
A 270 kg communication satellite is placed in a geostationary orbit 35,780 km above a relay Earth ground level. What is the speed of the satellite in orbit? A geostationary o...

Classical Mechanics

Momentum in classical mechanics If an object is moving in any reference frame, then it has momentum in that frame.The amount of momentum that an object has depends on two physical quantities: th...

Newtons second law of motion
Newton's second law: Law of Motion The rate of change of momentum of a body is equal to the resultant force acting on the body and is in the same direction. Newton's second law as originally state...

Point kinetics in a fixed coordinate system
DefinitioThe position the velocity and the acceleration are defined by:The following holds:When the acceleration is cotant this gives: For the unit vecto in a direction perpen...

Point dynamics in a fixed coordinate system
Force, (angular)momentum and energy Newton's 2nd law connects the force on an object and the resulting acceleration of the object where the momentum is given by ::Newton's 3rd law is given by...

Point dynamics in a moving coordinate system
Apparent forces The total force in a moving coordinate system can be found by subtracting the apparent forces from the forces working in the reference frame: . The different apparent forces are give...

Dynamics of masspoint collections
The centre of mass The velocity with respect to the centre of mass is given by The coordinates of the centre of mass are given by:In a 2-particle system, the coordinates of the centre of mas...

Classical Mechanics

Unit Conversion
Paul discusses unit conveion by mea of cancellation, illustrated with a simple average-velocity problem featuring Fast Freda.4EhkFuVGmco

Centrifugal Force
Hank addresses the so-called centrifugal force, and explai why you really mean centripetal force.DLgy6rVV-08

Bikes and Bee Problem
Paul shows a simple solution to a classic problem involving the motion of a bee that flies to-and-fro between approaching bikes.lw-rhXczLGI

Linear Motion Definitions
Paul links central kinematic definitio and equatio to Barry Biker.MfDv4FMDlpI

Gravitation: The Four Fundamental Forces of Physics
Hank continues our series on the four fundamental forces of physics with a description of gravitation - the interaction by which physical bodies attract with a force proportional to that of their ma...

Usain Bolt vs. Gravity
Who's faster over 10 mete - the fastest sprinter in the world, or gravity9YUtFpLpGfk

Classical Mechanics Tools

Projectile Motion
Physics Tools for projectile motion Use this simple tool to solve physics problem related to projectile motion. You can use this tool for any projectile fired on ground level at an angle of theta de...

Projectile Motion – Projectile fired above the ground level
Use this simple tool to solve physics problem related to projectile motion. You can use this tool for any projectile fired above the ground level with initial velocity at horizontal direction. Simply...

Solve physics problem related to collision between airliner and a bird
Physics Tools for classical mechanics- Use this simple tool to solve physics problem related to collision between airliner and a bird Use this simple tool to solve physics problem related to collisio...

Solve problem related to object falling from rest
As an object falls from rest, its gravitational potential energy is converted to kinetic energy. Coider a mass m which is falling vertically under the influence of gravity.Potential Energy...

Solve problem related to impact force from falling object
As an object falls from rest, its gravitational potential energy is converted to kinetic energy. Coider a mass m which is falling vertically under the influence of gravity.Object is falling...


Schrödinger’s cat
Schrödinger's cat is a thought experiment, sometimes described as a paradox, devised by Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger. It illustrates what he saw as the problem of the Copenhagen interpreta...

Foam Physics
What is the link between giraffes, wine corks and the map of the Univee?yLTrD9LYQTs

How Does A Boomerang Work?
A boomerang can execute its unique roundtrip flight by making use of three fundamental physics principles: lift, relative velocity, and gyroscopic precession.ADJKsLEAOHo

The Electric Cannon
We use an unusual cannon to demotrate electrical conductivity at different temperatures.eA3SDiyMiWU

Yo-Yos in Space
NASA Astronaut Don Pettit uses his off-duty time to practice his microgravity yo-yo skills.ni4j5K4Lz3o

Touch Screens and Quantum Tunnelling
We look at the latest touch screen technology and how it uses the strange phenomenon of quantum tunnellingqI5q6OqSo4s

Electricity and Magnetism

Electromagnetism – Electrostatic Force: The Four Fundamental Forces of Physics
Hank reaches the fourth and final of the four fundamental interactio in physics: electromagnetism. In this part, he teaches us about the electrostatic force, which builds up a charge in an object...

Current and Magnets
Professor Roger Bowley uses fuse wire, magnets and electrical current for a quick demotrationUV0wtX9AXq4

Electromagnetism – Magnetic Force: The Four Fundamental Forces of Physics
In this final segment on the four fundamental forces of physics, Hank tackles the magnetic force, the second of the two ways in which electromagnetism is apparent in the univee.cy6kba3A8vY

Voltage vs Distance in a Uniform Electric Field
Greg Jacobs - AP Physics Summer Ititute: Voltage vs Distance in a Uniform Electric Field4Jnb_biFbd8

Cryogenic Experiments on Passive and Active Electronic Components
In this episode, Shahriar investigates the theory and experimental results of the impact of extreme low temperatures on passive and active components. Liquid Nitrogen in used in a traparent glass D...

Bottle Radio
Crystal radio technology has been around for many yea. This "bottle radio" take on a crystal radio requires no power source, operates on the power from radio waves, and receives signal from a long...

Fluids and Thermodynamics

Solid Nitrogen, Vacuum Cooling and Dry Ice
What happe when you decrease the pressure around a liquid? It boils. Water boils at room temperature once the pressure is low enough. What is interesting is that this decreases the temperature of t...

Effects of water pressure
This clip illustrates the effects of water pressure on a ball filled with air. The same compression happe to the air iide the human ear, which is why we have to equalize the ea when freediving....

Heat conduction
Heat conduction. Wooden and metal pedestal stand in hot water. Since metal is a better heat conductor than wood, the ice cube on a metal pedestal melt faster than the ice cube on wooden pedestal....

Paramagnetism of Oxygen
Oxygen gas is condeed into liquid form and then poured between the poles of a strong magnet so we can observe its paramagnetic properties.We send O2 gas through a copper coil, which is then imm...

Lenses and Vortices
NASA Astronaut Don Pettit takes advantage of the weightless environment aboard the ISS to do diffusion and le experiments with pure water. Distributed as part of a collaboration between NASA and...

Anti-Gravity Water Trick
It's easy to keep water in an upside down container with nothing but a card. However, only those possessing extreme skill can keep the water from falling out when the card is removed. Are YOU skil...


Fortran Online Resouces
Univeity of Michigan-Dearborn, Computer and Information Science This site contai History of Fortran Language and lot of links to useful sites. http://www.engin.umd.umich....

Variables and the names of variables
Fundamentals of Fortran Computation Variables and the names of variables Integer A whole number. It may...

Operations and Expressions
Operatio and Expressio FORTRAN provide five basic arithmetic operatio: Addition + Subtraction - Multiplication * Div...

FORTRAN Tutorials – Input and Output
Input and Output FORTRAN provides a great deal of power and flexibility in the reading of data and printing of results. And for the experienced programmer this power and fle...

Writing and Running a FORTRAN Program
STOP and END Statements STOP This statement may be written whenever it is necessary to stop executing statements in a program. There is normally a STOP a...

FORTRAN DO Statement
The DO Statement This statement makes it possible to execute a section of a program repeatedly, with automatic changes in the value of an integer variable between...

Mathematical Tools

Calculate Linear Regression and Graph Scatter Plot and Line of Best Fit
What is simple linear regression? Simple linear regression is a way to describe a relatiohip between two variables through an equation of a straight line, called...

Google smart graphing functionality
Google launched a graphing functionality right in search to help students and math love plot functio in an easy, simple way. In addition to calculating something simple like dividing up a re...

Google Smart Calculator
Want to add up a list of numbe, convert from miles to kilomete, or evaluate some other mathematical expression? Itead of using a piece of paper, your calculator, or a computer math software...

Bitwise Operation
Decimal to Hexadecimal and Hexadecimal to Decimal ConverterOnline Bitwise Calculator In computer programming, a...

Morse Code Conversion Tool
Moe code is a method for tramitting telegraphic information, using standardized sequences of short and long elements to represent the lette, numerals, punctuation and sp...

Roman Numeral Conversion with Roman Calculator and Roman Tests
Roman numerals are a numeral system originating in ancient Rome, adapted from Etruscan numerals. The system used in classical antiquity was slightly modified in the Middle...

Modern Physics

Michio Kaku Explains String Theory
Theoretical physicist Michio Kaku explai the basics of String TheorykYAdwS5MFjQ

Strong Interaction: The Four Fundamental Forces of Physics
Part one of a four part series on the fundamental forces (or interactio) of physics begi with the strong force or strong interaction - which on the small scale holds quarks together to form proto...

What is Antimatter?
Fermilab scientist Don Lincoln describes antimatter and its properties. He also explai why antimatter, though a reality, doesn't pose any current threat to our existence!en2S1tBl1_s

Higgs Boson: How do you search for it?
Fermilab scientist Don Lincoln describes the concept of how the search for the Higgs boson is accomplished. Several large experimental groups are hot on the trail of this elusive subatomic particle...

What is the Wave/Particle Duality?
Wave Particle Duality and why quantum mechanics is weirder than anything we're used to in our daily lives!Q_h4IoPJXZw_riIY-v2Ym8

Neutrons and Nanoscience
Beams of neutro can be used to make important discoveries in the world of nanoscience. Here we explore three itruments (and beamlines) at the ISIS facility in Oxfordshire, where Neutro are put to...


An observer looking across a swimming pool at point C views a light ray
An observer looking across a swimming pool at point C views a light ray coming from a point A on the opposition side of the pool at the bottom. The ray leaves the water at a point 1.7 mete from oppos...

Light of intensity 50 Wm2 is incident on a glass windowpane
Light of inteity 50 W/m2 is incident on a glass windowpane (n = 1.5), with rays approximately perpendicular to the surface, as show in figure below. Find the inteity I1, I2, and I3....

Light passes from air to another medium
Light passes from air to another medium at point A. How long does it take the light ray to travel from A to B? Using the geometry we can find refract...

A light ray is incident on a glass plate at an angle of 40 degrees
A light ray is incident on a glass plate at an angle of 40° as shown in the figure. a) Find angles Α, Β, and Γ? b) Will any of the light striking the side of the glass plate at...

Convergence lens focal length and power
Below diagram shows a sketch of the le with the surface labeled in reference to their curvature as seen from the left side, assume to be the side of the incident light. The le is made out of gla...

Convergence lens with different radii
A certain thin le made from glass has surfaces with radii R1 = +10cm and R2= +8cm. a) Sketch the le? b) Find the focal length? c) Image distance for an object distance at 15cm?...

Optics Tools

Snells Law
Use this simple tool to solve physics problem related to simple light ray reflection problems. You can use this tool for light ray passes from a one medium to another. Simply enter the values you know...

Find Critical Angle
Use this simple tool to solve physics problem related to critical angle condition for reflection. You can use this tool for light ray passes from a one medium to another to find the critical angle...

Find critical angle and condition for total reflection
Use this simple tool to solve physics problem related to critical angle condition for total reflection or tramittance. You can use this tool for light ray passes from a one medium to another medium w...

Focal length for thin lens
Physics Tools for optics - Find Focal Length of thin le using R1 and R2 radii Use this simple tool to solve physics problem related to thin lees. You can use this tool find focal length for thin...

Two lens system tool – Image distance and magnification
Physics Tools for optics - Find image distance and magnification for two le system Use this simple tool to solve physics problem related to two le system. You can use this tool find position o...

Particle Physics

NOvA Neutrino Experiment Installs First Detector Block
Time lapse of Fermilab's NOvA neutrino experiment italling the fit of 28 detector blocks in Ash River, MN. Each block is 51 x 51 x 7 feet and when italled will weigh 500 metric to.gFpK00WJl9...

The Evolution of SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
Over the coue of its 50 year history, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory has evolved from a groundbreaking particle physics research facility to one of the world's foremost multipurpose laborator...

Gargamelle and Neutral Currents
Gathering dust (and beer ca) under a tree at CERN - it's Gargamelle. This experiment played a key role in Nobel Prize-winning research into the weak force. It's now on public displaybasLNz6frO8...

Rutherford Scattering – Classroom Demo
Rutherford Scattering: A simple way to demotrate back-scattering in a classroom.5ovtgA6GbxU

Higgs Boson: How to Discover a Particle
How do you know when you've "e;discovered"e; a particle? What do we mean by "e;discovery"e;?6guXMfg88Z8

MIT 8.02 Electricity and Magnetism Lecture 20
Self-Inductance, RL Circuits, Magnetic Field Energy.UpO6t00bPb8

Physical Constants in Mechanics

Densities of Common Substances
Deity is defined as mass divided by volume, or mass per unit volume. The deity in kilograms per cubic meter can be obtained by multiplying the table values by 1000. The deities of most of the pure...

Viscosity of Liquids and Gases
Viscosity has the SI units Pascal seconds (Pa s) which is called the Poiseuille. More commonly used is the dyne sec/cm2 which is called Poise. One Pa s is 10 Poise. The Poise is used in the table bec...

Compressibility of Liquids
Compressibility is the fractional change in volume per unit increase in pressure. For each atmosphere increase in pressure, the volume of water would decrease 46.4 parts per million. The compressibili...

Physical Properties of Some Typical Liquids
Property Argon Benzene Solid Liquid Solid Liquid Deity (kg/m3) 1636 1407 100...

Angular Speed of Earth
The average angular speed Wav is the average rate of change of the angular displacement.The Earth's angular velocity is cotant (or nearly cotant). Therefore we can calculate the average ang...

Moment of Inertia for Uniform Objects
Object Axis of Rotation Moment of Inertia Solid Disk Central axis of disk...


Animal Magnetism: How Animals Navigate
Hank tells us about new research into the question of how animals navigate from place to place - while the problem is still unresolved, we do have some hypotheses, and they all involve something cal...

Uncertainty, Why we can never know the position of a proton for sure?D1yb1adU2vI

From Kaleidoscopes to Theories of Everything and Nothing
How the idea of symmetry helps us undetand the world.Dr. Howard Georgi - Harvard Univeity April 29, 1997PMZU_rM3bS0

Theory of Everything
A brief intro to the current theory of (almost) everything - the Standard Model of particle physics. It's like cake, only univeal.HVO0HgMi6Lc

Albert Einstein: Why Light is Quantum
Pi day (3.14) is Albert Eitein's Birthday! To celebrate, we'll explain 4 of his most groundbreaking pape from 1905, when he was just 26 yea old.hSgIDgGpRpk

Einstein and The Special Theory of Relativity
How Eitein (& othe) discovered Special Relativity.ajhFNcUTJI0