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NOTHING-Origin of everything-God if you like

PostPosted: March 15th, 2008, 9:08 pm
by Robert Welton
I am not a physicst, and I am a writing this while on my second bottle of wine. However I feel I need somebody to dismiss this theory that I have for past,present ,and future universes. It is such a simple and elegant solution, and provides the unifying force for everthing in nature.


That is the theory of everything- the unifying theory of all forces

My reasoning is also fairly simple, as a theory of everthing has to
If you look at a wave of light, something is driving the wave to become both negatively charged and positively charged. I believe that to be the instability of NOTHING

PostPosted: March 15th, 2008, 9:15 pm
by Robert Welton
From time to time over the last couple of years I have sent off emails to various institutions that should be interested. Hey-its a very powerful idea. Nobody has bothered to reply. Please throw your ideas at me and prove me wrong .

Re: NOTHING-Origin of everything-God if you like

PostPosted: February 16th, 2010, 7:10 pm
by Vishnu Jadhav
Robert Welton wrote:I am not a physicst, and I am a writing this while on my second bottle of wine. However I feel I need somebody to dismiss this theory that I have for past,present ,and future universes. It is such a simple and elegant solution, and provides the unifying force for everthing in nature.


That is the theory of everything- the unifying theory of all forces

My reasoning is also fairly simple, as a theory of everthing has to
If you look at a wave of light, something is driving the wave to become both negatively charged and positively charged. I believe that to be the instability of NOTHING


Hi Friend

I am thinking about yor post "NOTHING-Origin of everything-God if you like" I got problem with word "NOTHING" how to think about nothing.

to think about thing X we tell our brain to eleminate all other things and concentrate only on X.

When I told my brain to eleminate all things i lost my thinking power at that state.

Now i am thinking that our thinking power is aplicable only for things, it includes memories of things, when we eliminate them. thinking power goes off.

how we can understand any subject without thinking about it.

is that border line for human.

if you have exact definition of NOTHING please tell me that i can proceed.