Starting with:
the equations of Lagrange can be derived:
When there are additional conditions applying to the variational problem = 0 of the type K(u) =constant, the new problem becomes:
Hamilton mechanics
The Lagrangian is given by: The Hamiltonian is given by:
In 2 dimensions holds: .
If the used coordinates are canonical the Hamilton equations are the equations of motion for the system:
Coordinates are canonical if the following holds: where {,} is the Poisson bracket:
The Hamiltonian of a Harmonic oscillator is given by . With new coordinates obtained by the canonical transformation and , with inverse and it follows: .
The Hamiltonian of a charged particle with charge q in an external electromagnetic field is given by:
This Hamiltonian can be derived from the Hamiltonian of a free particle with the transformations and . This is elegant from a relativistic point of view: this is equivalent to the transformation of the momentum 4-vector . A gauge transformation on the potentials corresponds with a canonical transformation, which make the Hamilton equations the equations of motion for the system.
Motion around an equilibrium, linearization
For natural systems around equilibrium the following equations are valid:
With one receives the set of equations is substituted, this set of equations has solutions if = 0.
This leads to the eigenfrequencies of the problem:
If the equilibrium is stable holds: that .
The general solution is a superposition if eigenvibrations.
Phase space, Liouville's equation
In phase space holds:
If the equation of continuity, holds, this can be written as:
For an arbitrary quantity A holds:
Liouville's theorem can than be written as:
Generating functions
Starting with the coordinate transformation:one can derive the following Hamilton equations with the new Hamiltonian K:
Now, a distinction between 4 cases can be made:
1. , the coordinates follow from:
; ;
2. , the coordinates follow from:
; ;
3. , the coordinates follow from:
; ;
4. , the coordinates follow from:
; ;
The functions F1, F2, F3 and F4 are called generating functions.