Light passes from air to another medium

Home Problems and Answers Optics Light passes from air to another medium

Light passes from air to another medium at point A. How long does it take the light ray to travel from A to B?

Light passes from air to another medium

Using the geometry we can find refraction angle Θ.
refraction angle
refraction angle
refraction angle

Using Snell’s law we can find index of refraction of the medium
Snell�s law

By assuming index of refraction on air is one (n1 = 1).
Snell�s law
index of refraction
index of refraction

n2 = 1.9917

Index of refraction of the medium is 1.9917

Using above result we can find speed of light ray inside the medium
index of refraction using velocities of two medium

C = speed of light (Approximately 3 x 108 m/s)

Speed of light ray inside the medium is 1.506 x 108 m/s

Using geometry we can find distance AB
distance - AB
distance - AB

Distance from point A to B is 6.5 meters.

Using the distance and velocity inside the medium we can find the time taken to light ray to travel from point A to B.

Velocity = Distance / Time

Time = Distance / Velocity

Time = 6.5 m / 1.506 x 108 m/s

Time = 4.316 x 10-8 s

Time to light ray to travel from point A to B is 4.316 x 10-8 seconds.