Online Calculator is a simple web application that lets you perform advanced calculations, plot 2D and 3D graphs, and make symbolic calculations such as differentiation.
Enter functions in standard mathematical notation, using x as independent variable. As evident from the examples on this page, arguments to helper functions must be enclosed into parentheses (or braces or brackets).
Online Calculator | Physical Constant | Advanced Math | 2D Graphs | 3D Graphs | Add to your site | BBCODE for Forums | Miscellaneous Calculations | Built in Functions
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Please be aware that there are certain limitations to all web-based
calculators. The arithmetic used can lead to errors in some calculations
when the numbers get very big or very small. If your work depends
on being absolutely, positively accurate to the last decimal place
- use a real calculator!
1. Basic Arithmetic
Compute expressions containing standard mathematical symbols. The following table lists operators that come between the two numbers on which they operate, e.g., to multiply 2 times 3, use 2 * 3.
Operator | Function | Example |
+ | Addition | [ 11.81 + 12.14 + 14.23 ] |
- | Subtraction | [ 68 - 11 - 21 ] |
* | Multiplication | [ 5 * 6 * 7 ] |
/ | Division | [ 432 / 5 ] |
^ | Exponentiation (raise to a power of) | 3^4 |
2. Advanced Math
Compute results involving mathematical constants, such as e, pi, and mathematical functions. The following table lists just some of the functions built into this online calculator.
Operator | Function | Example |
sin, cos, tan, sec, csc, cot, etc. | Trigonometric functions (arguments are assumed to be in radians) | [ cos(pi/5) ] |
asin, acos, atan, acsc, etc. | Inverse trigonometric functions | [ acos(0.3) ] |
sinh, cosh, tanh, csch, arsinh, arccsch, etc. | Hyperbolic functions | [ cosh(5) ] |
asinh, acosh, atanh, acsch, etc. | Area trigonometric functions | [ acosh(0.3) ] |
ln | Logarithm base e | [ ln(17) ] |
log | Logarithm base 10 | [ log(17) ] |
lb | Logarithm base 2 | [ lb(17) ] |
exp | Exponential function | [ exp(17) ] |
3. Physical Constants
Note:Sometimes Online calculator interprets lower case letters different from upper case letters.
Long Name | Shorthand Notation | Click the Link for the Approximate Value |
mathematical constant pi Π | PI() | [ PI() ] |
Golden ratio | PHI() | [ PHI() ] |
atomic mass units | AMU() | [ AMU() ] |
Astronomical Unit | AU() | [ AU() ] |
Avogadro’s number | A() | [ A() ] |
Boltzmann constant | K() | [ K() ] |
Electric constant, permitivity of free space | EPSILON() | [ EPSILON() ] |
Electron Mass | EM() | [ EM() ] |
Electron Volt | EV() | [ EV() ] |
elementary charge | EC() | [ EC() ] |
Euler’s constant | E() | [ E() ] |
Faraday constant | F() | [ F() ] |
Fine-structure constant | FSC() | [ FSC() ] |
Gravitational constant | G() | [ G() ] |
Magnetic flux quantum | MFQ() | [ MFQ() ] |
Molar gas constant | MGC() | [ MGC() ] |
Permeability of free space | PFS() | [ PFS() ] |
Planck’s constant | H() | [ H() ] |
Proton mass | PM() | [ PM() ] |
Rydberg constant | R() | [ R() ] |
speed of light in a vacuum | C() | [ C() ] |
speed of sound in air at sea level | SS() | [ SS() ] |
Stefan-Boltzmann constant | K | [ SB() ] |
4. 2D Graphs
Function | |
Simple Graph | [ graph(sin(x)) ] |
Graph with multiple functions | [ graph(sin(x)*x, sin(x), x^2) ] |
Set X, Y coordinate limits [x1,x2,y1,y2] | [ sin(954*x)-2*cos(x); graph(z,x1=-5,x2=5,y1=-5,y2=5) ] |
Set number of points for smooth plot [pts] | [ sin(954*x)-2*cos(x); graph(z,x1=-5,x2=5,y1=-5,y2=5,pts=200) ] |
Plot functions using variables | [ f1=cos(PI()*x)/(-ln(2)*x); f2=sqrt(9-x^2); f3=-sqrt(9-x^2); graph(f1,f2,f3,x1=-5,x2=5,y1=-5,y2=5) ] |
Fourier Series Graph | [ graph(0.9^1*cos(1*x) / 2-0.9^2*cos(2*x) / 2+0.9^3*cos(3*x) / 2-0.9^4*cos(4*x) / 2+0.9^5*cos(5*x) / 2-0.9^6*cos(6*x) / 2+0.9^7*cos(7*x) / 2-0.9^8*cos(8*x) / 2+0.9^9*cos(9*x) / 2-0.9^10*cos(10*x) / 2) ] |
5. 3D Graphs
Function | |
Simple Graph | [ graph3d(x^2-y^2) ] |
Set resolution by setting points [pts] | [ z=x^2-y^2; graph3d(z,pts=50) ] |
Set resolution and [x,y,z] limits | [ z=cos(abs(x)+abs(y))*(abs(x)+abs(y)); graph3d(z,pts=30,x1=-1,x2=1,y1=-1,y2=1,z1=-0.8,z2=0.55) ] |
6. Miscellaneous Calculations
Function | |
Expand (x-2)5 | [ (x-2)^5 ] |
Differentiating an expression [diff] | [ diff(x^3+5*exp(2*x),x) ] |
sqrt() | Square root of argument (number or expression inside the parentheses). Equivalent to root(argument,2) |
cbrt() | Cube root of argument. Equivalent to root(argument,3) |
ln() | Natural logarithm of argument (base-E logarithm of argument where E is Euler's constant) |
lg() | Logarithm base-10 of argument, equivalent to logn(argument,10). |
lb() | Logarithm base-2 of argument. |
exp() | Exponential Function E to the power of argument, equivalent to E^argument |
sin() | Sine of argument |
cos() | Cosine |
tan() | Tangent |
cot() | Cotangent |
sec() | Secant of argument, equiv. to 1/cos(arg). |
csc() | Cosecant, equiv. to 1/sin(arg). |
asin() | Arc sine |
acos() | Arc cosine |
atan() | Arc tangent |
acot() | Arc cotangent |
asec() | Arc secant, inverse secant. |
acsc() | Arc cosecant, inverse cosecant. |
sinh() | Hyperbolic sine, Sinus hyperbolicus |
cosh() | Hyperbolic cosine, Cosinus hyperbolicus |
tanh() | Hyperbolic tangent, Tangens hyperbolicus |
coth() | Hyperbolic cotangent, Cotangens hyperbolicus |
sech() | Hyperbolic secant, Secans hyperbolicus. |
csch() | Hyperbolic cosecant, Cosecans hyperbolicus. |
asinh() | Area sine, Area sinus hyperbolicus, inverse sinh(). |
acosh() | Area cosine, Area cosinus hyperbolicus, inverse cosh(). |
atanh() | Area tangent, Area tangens hyperbolicus, inverse tanh(). |
acoth() | Area cotangent, Area cotangens hyperbolicus, inverse coth(). |
asech() | Area- secant, Area secans hyperbolicus, inverse sech(). |
acsch() | Area- cosecant, Area cosecans hyperbolicus, inverse csch(). |
round() | Rounds argument up or down to the closest integer |
floor() | Rounds arg down. |
ceil() | Rounds arg up. |
abs() | Absolute value of argument. Example: abs(sin(x)) |
Online Calculator with Symbolic Calculations and Graphs
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